
Can funds hasten the transition to net zero?

In this episode we discuss the findings from our new science-based targets report and how funds can accelerate the transition to net zero.

Bradley Davidson

ESG Lead

22 minute listen time 

As pressure mounts on fund managers globally to scrutinise their investment and lending activities, science-based targets (SBTs) are poised to become the leading framework to provide a pathway for companies to decarbonise their business.

In this episode, on the back of our research report into the barriers and opportunities facing alternative investment funds when setting and incorporating SBTs, we discuss the findings from the report and how funds can accelerate the transition to net zero.

Hosted by Bradley Davidson, ESG Lead at RBS International, and Tim Philips, we're delighted to be joined by guest Henry Morgan, Sustainable Investment Lead at Foresight Group's Infrastructure and Real Assets Division.

Episode Notes

Read RBS International's report 'Can alternative investment funds accelerate the transition to net zero?' 




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